News from Grand Valley State University
nine student posing outdoors at the SAP during Make a Difference Day

Princeton Review recognizes GVSU's commitment to sustainability in latest college guide

Top photo: Students who worked at the Sustainable Agriculture Project on the Allendale Campus during Make A Difference Day in September are pictured.

For the 13th consecutive year, Grand Valley has been included in the Princeton Review Guide to Green Colleges, recognizing the university's strong commitments to the environment in its campus policies, programs and practices.

The 2023 edition of Guide to Green Colleges profiles 455 colleges, based on Princeton Review's 2021–2022 survey of administrators at 713 colleges concerning their institutions' sustainability-related policies, practices and programs. 

Yumi Jakobcic, director of the Office of Sustainability Practices, said Grand Valley's regular appearances in the Princeton Review demonstrate the campus community's commitment to sustainability.

"From academic programs to research by students and faculty to events like last week's Zero Waste football game, Grand Valley demonstrates that sustainability is a core value," Jakobcic said. "It continues to be very gratifying to be included on the Princeton Review list."

In September, Grand Valley earned a gold rating from the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education, which gauges achievements in five overall areas: academics, engagement, operations, planning and administration, and innovation and leadership.


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